Ammonia N-13 Myocardial Blood Flow Absolute Quantification by Positron Emission Tomography in Patients With Known or Suspected Coronary Artery Disease (Ammonia MAP)
This study is being conducted to provide access to and collect test data for an established nuclear medicine diagnostic imaging test called Positron Emission Tomography (PET), using a specific radioactive drug called Ammonia N-13 (Ammonia), referred to simply as an Ammonia PET scan, which is used to visualize the blood flow through the blood vessels and into the heart muscle in order to identify areas of restricted blood flow within the heart. The scanner used in this study may be a stand-alone PET scanner or a PET/CT scanner, which combines the PET scanner and a Computed Tomography (CT) scanner into a single device. Unless otherwise stated in this consent form, the term PET will be used to refer to both stand-alone PET and PET/CT scanners. While physicians have used the Ammonia PET test for many years to visualize (image) the blood flow into the heart muscle (perfusion), it is now possible to also measure the flow of blood into the heart muscle. Research studies have demonstrated clinical value in reviewing the measured blood flow values in addition to reviewing the perfusion images of blood flow into the heart muscle. Therefore, this study will establish a database of a large number of Ammonia PET measured blood flow values to serve as a future reference.
• Adults ≥18 able to give informed consent.
• Clinical indication for PET-MPI as determined by the subject's treating physician