A Multicenter, 24-Month, Randomized, Open-Label, Active Control, Parallel Arm, Phase 2 Study of Daily Oral LUM-201 in Naïve-to-Treatment, Prepubertal Children With Idiopathic Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) Who is this study for? Prepubertal children with growth hormone deficiency
Status: Completed
Location: See all (43) locations...
Intervention Type: Drug
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Phase 2
This is a multi-national trial. The goals of the trial are to study LUM-201 as a possible treatment for Pediatric Growth Hormone Deficiency (PGHD) and investigate a predictive enrichment marker (PEM) strategy to select subjects likely to respond to therapy with LUM-201.
Participation Requirements View:
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
• Have an established diagnosis of idiopathic PGHD as determined by standard diagnostic criteria. Eligible subjects must be naïve-to-treatment and be prepubertal.
• Morning cortisol ≥ 7 µg/dL or stimulated cortisol ≥ 14 µg/dL.
• At Screening, be ≥ 3.0 years and ≤ 11.0 years for girls and ≤ 12.0 years for boys.
• Have HT-SDS ≤ -2.0 or HT-SDS ≥ 2 SD below mean parental HT-SDS.
• Have a baseline height velocity \< 5.5 cm/year based on at least 6 months of growth.
• Have a bone age delayed by ≥ 6 months with respect to chronological age.
• Have prepubertal status as evidenced by Tanner Stage I breast development in girls and testicular volume \< 4.0 mL in boys.
• In girls, have genetic testing results to rule out Turner syndrome. If SHOX genetic testing results are available, they need to be negative.
• Have normal thyroid function. Subjects diagnosed with hypothyroidism must have documented successful treatment for at least 30 days prior to Day 1.
Center of Excellence in Diabetes and Endocrinology
Rady Children's Hospital
San Diego
Pediatric Endocrine Associates
Greenwood Village
Children's National Hospital
Atlanta Diabetes Associates
University of Iowa
Iowa City
Indiana University School of Medicine
Novak Center For Childrens Health
UMass Memorial Medical Center
M Health, Fairview Pediatric Specialty Clinics- Discovery Clinic
Children's Minnesota
Saint Paul
The Children's Mercy Hospital
Kansas City
The Mount Sinai Hospital
Mount Sinai
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
New York
Nationwide Children's Hospital
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology
Oklahoma City
Penn State College of Medicine
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
Medical University of South Carolina
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Cook Children's Medical Center
Fort Worth
Diabetes & Glandular Disease Clinic, P.A.
San Antonio
University of Virginia Health System
Seattle Children's Hospital
MultiCare Institute for Research and Innovation
Department of Pediatrics and Endocrinology- Monash Health
Royal Children's Hospital
Queensland Children's Hospital
South Brisbane
Schneider Children's Medical Center Institute for Endocrinology and Diabetes National Center
Petah Tiqwa
Liggins Institute, University of Auckland
Wellington Regional Hospital CCDHB
Klinika Pediatrii, Endokrynologii, Diabetologii z Pododdziałem Kardiologii, Uniwersytecki Dziecięcy Szpital Kliniczny im.Ludwika Zamenhofa w Białymstoku
Klinika Endokrynologii i Chorob Metabolicznych, Instytut Centrum Zdrowia Matki Polki
Klinika Pediatrii, Diabetologii i Endokrynologii Gdansk
klinika Pediatrii, Endokrynologii i Diabetologii Dziecięcej
Sonomed - Centrum Medyczne
Klinika Endokrynologii i Diabetologii, Instytut Pomnik Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka
SP Dziecięcy Szpital Kliniczny w Warszawie
Klinika Endokrynologii i Diabetologii Wieku Rozwojowego UM
State Institution 'V. P. Komissarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism of the National academy of medical science of Ukraine
Start Date: 2020-12-31
Completion Date: 2024-09-04
Target number of participants: 82
Experimental: LUM-201 (0.8 mg/kg/day)
Experimental: LUM-201 (1.6 mg/kg/day)
Experimental: LUM-201 (3.2 mg/kg/day)
Active_comparator: rhGH (34 µg/kg/day)
Olena Bolshova,
Deborah Bowlby ,
Teresa Quattrin ,
Sasigarn Bowden ,
Patricia Fechner ,
Alison Lunsford ,
Gad B Kletter ,
Monica Marin ,
Vaneeta Bamba ,
Kupper Wintergerst ,
John Fuqua ,
Sunil Nayak ,
Penelope Pauley ,
Andrew Dauber ,
Dorothy Shulman ,
Jeremy Bleicher ,
Lawrence A Silverman ,
Paul Desrosiers ,
Michael Everett Gottschalk ,
Bradley Miller ,
Mark Kipnes ,
Leslie Soyka ,
David Repaske ,
Barry J Reiner ,
Oscar Escobar ,
Daniel Hale ,
Philip B Bergman ,
Maria Korpal - Szczyrska ,
Peter Simm ,
Mieczyslaw Szalecki ,
Beata Pyrzak ,
Beata Wikiera ,
Oleg Malievskiy ,
Valentina Peterkova ,
Artur Bossowski ,
Elzbieta Petriczko ,
Artur Mazur ,
Paul Hofman ,
Esko Wiltshire ,
Renata Stawerska