Lasix for the Prevention of De Novo Postpartum Hypertension: A Randomized Controlled Trial (LAPP Trial)
Primary objective: To evaluate whether oral furosemide can help prevent de novo postpartum hypertension (new-onset high blood pressure after delivery) by reducing blood pressure after delivery in high-risk women. Secondary objectives: To evaluate whether oral furosemide administered to high-risk women after delivery can reduce the frequency of postpartum hypertensive episodes, the need for antihypertensive therapy, the risk of postpartum preeclampsia, and the incidence of severe maternal morbidity.
• Postpartum women
• No antenatal diagnosis of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy at the time of admission for delivery, defined as existing chronic hypertension diagnosis or documented blood pressure of ≥140 systolic OR ≥90 diastolic on at least 2 occasions at least 4 hours apart prior to delivery admission who do not go on to get magnesium for seizure prophylaxis by the time of delivery
• At least 18 years of age
• English or Spanish speakers
• One or more high risk factors for development of de novo postpartum hypertension