Assessment of Wound Closure Comparing Synthetic Hybrid-Scale Fiber Matrix With Standard of Care in Treating Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU) and With Living Cellular Skin Substitute in Treating Venous Leg Ulcers (VLU)

Status: Terminated
Location: See all (6) locations...
Intervention Type: Device
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Not Applicable

In participants with diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), this study will assess complete wound closure by comparing synthetic hybrid-scale fiber matrix (Restrata®) with standard of care. In participants with venous leg ulcers (VLUs), this study will assess complete wound closure by comparing synthetic hybrid-scale fiber matrix (Restrata®) with living cellular skin substitute (Apligraf®)

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 18
Healthy Volunteers: f

• Participant is at least 18 years old

• Participant is willing and capable of complying with all protocol requirements

• Participant or legally authorized representative (LAR) is willing to provide written informed consent

• Participant has Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes (criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus per American Diabetes Association)

• Ulcer(s) must be located at least in part on the foot or ankle

• Ulcer(s) must be present for more than 28 days prior to randomization and initial application of study product, and has not adequately responded to conventional ulcer therapy

• Wound size must be \>1.0 cm\^2 and \< 25 cm\^2 on the day of randomization and initial application of the study product, after initial debridement

• Participant has adequate circulation to the affected extremity(ies), as demonstrated by at least ONE of the following within 60 days prior to enrollment/randomization:

‣ Dorsum transcutaneous oxygen test (TcPO2) of study leg(s) with results ≥40mmHg, OR

⁃ Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) of study leg(s) with results of ≥ 0.7 and ≤ 1.3, OR

⁃ Toe-Brachial Index (TBI) of study extremity(ies) with results of ≥ 0.5

• Participant is at least 18 years old

• Participant is willing and capable of complying with all protocol requirements

• Participant or legally authorized representative (LAR) is willing to provide written informed consent

• Participant has peripheral venous disease per investigator judgment or diagnostic confirmation

• Ulcer(s) must be venous in origin, located on a lower extremity

• Ulcer(s) must be present for more than 28 days prior to randomization and initial application of study product, and has not adequately responded to conventional ulcer therapy

• Wound(s) size must be \>1.0 cm\^2 and \< 50 cm\^2 on the day of randomization and initial application of the study product, after initial debridement

• Participant has adequate circulation to the affected extremity(ies), as demonstrated by at least ONE of the following within 60 days prior to enrollment/randomization:

‣ Dorsum transcutaneous oxygen test (TcPO2) of study leg(s) with results ≥ 40mmHg, OR

⁃ Ankle-brachial index (ABI) of study leg(s) with results of ≥ 0.7 and ≤ 1.52, OR

⁃ Toe-Brachial Index (TBI) of study leg(s) with results of ≥ 0.5, OR

⁃ Doppler arterial waveforms, which are triphasic or biphasic at the ankle of the affected leg(s)

United States
ILD Research Center
University of Florida - Jacksonville
Barry University
Miami Beach
Rush University Medical Center
Boston Medical Center
Gundersen Health System
La Crosse
Time Frame
Start Date: 2021-07-19
Completion Date: 2024-08-01
Target number of participants: 47
Experimental: Diabetic Foot Ulcer Participants Assigned to Synthetic Hybrid-Scale Fiber Matrix (Restrata®)
Biweekly (every 2 weeks) application for either 12 weeks or until 100 percent epithelialization / wound closure (whichever occurs first)
Active_comparator: Diabetic Foot Ulcer Participants Assigned to Standard of Care
Weekly application for either 12 weeks or until 100 percent epithelialization / wound closure (whichever occurs first)
Experimental: Venous Leg Ulcer Participants Assigned to Synthetic Hybrid-Scale Fiber Matrix (Restrata®)
Biweekly (every 2 weeks) application for either 16 weeks or until 100 percent epithelialization / wound closure (whichever occurs first)
Active_comparator: Venous Leg Ulcer Participants Assigned to Living Cellular Skin Substitute (Apligraf®)
Biweekly (every 2 weeks) application for either 16 weeks or until 100 percent epithelialization / wound closure (whichever occurs first)
Related Therapeutic Areas
Leads: Acera Surgical, Inc.

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