Telemedicine Continuous Remote Monitoring of Adults With Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus

Status: Active_not_recruiting
Location: See location...
Intervention Type: Device
Study Type: Observational

The purpose of this single center observational study is to determine the effect of continuous remote continuous glucose monitor (CGM) reporting coupled with a telemedicine intervention (Tele-CGM program) on levels of HbA1C in adults with poorly controlled type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The investigators will follow 200 English and Spanish speaking adults (125 type 2 and 75 type 1 patients) who have an HbA1C \>8% over 12 months. The primary analysis will follow the intention-to-treat principle; participants will all be offered the intervention. The primary trial outcome of HbA1c/Glucose Management Indicator (GMI) at 6 and 12 months will be compared from baseline using a linear regression model. The primary independent variable will be the HbA1C from baseline to 6 and 12 months. Patients will serve as their own control. Results will be summarized as group-specific mean, standard deviation (SD) HbA1c, along with a mean treatment difference and 95% confidence interval. Model assumptions including normality and homoscedasticity of residuals will be evaluated; normalizing transformations or rank-based non-parametric procedures will be used as needed. The complete evaluation of HbA1c, including baseline, 6-month and 12 month measurements will be analyzed with mixed effects linear regression, specifying a random participant-level intercept and an unstructured covariance matrix, to accommodate the repeatedly measured data. The secondary trial outcomes of time in range (TIR; CGM glucose levels 70-180) and questionnaires will be compared from baseline to 6 and 12 months using linear regression procedures as detailed above.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 18
Healthy Volunteers: f

• Diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes for at least 6 months

• HbA1C \>8% or any episode of level three hypoglycemia or diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in the past 6 months or at least once weekly episodes of level 1 or 2 hypoglycemia

• Age \>18 years old

• On medication for treatment of diabetes-any oral or injectable agents on a stable dose of medication for at least 3 months.

• If on insulin performing blood glucose monitoring (BGM) at least 3 times per week

• Patients may be current continuous glucose monitor (CGM) users, prior CGM users or naïve to CGM.

• No serious illnesses where life expectancy is \<1 year

• Understand the study requirements and agree to comply with all study visits and procedures, including the use of the study CGM.

• Fluent in English or Spanish

⁃ Must have a smart phone or access to a computer that can connect to LibreView.

⁃ Under the care of a Los Angeles County + University of Southern California provider who can prescribe diabetes medications and make dose adjustments/medication intensification as needed.

United States
University of Southern California Eastside Center for Diabetes
Los Angeles
Time Frame
Start Date: 2022-05-01
Completion Date: 2025-05-31
Target number of participants: 200
CGM-Tele-monitoring Type 1
Tele-CGM-monitoring: Subjects are remotely monitored daily through a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system (Libre 2) that communicates via smart phone to a Libreview designed dashboard. Alerts set for: ≥4 hours without CGM signal, ≥2 hours 54-70 mg/dl, and 15 minutes \<54 mg/dl. Libreview dashboard automatically emails daily alerts to the Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES). If alerts occurred, the CDCES performed telemedicine outreach based on type of alert.
CGM-Tele-monitoring Type 2
Tele-CGM-monitoring: Subjects are remotely monitored daily through a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system (Libre 2) that communicates via smart phone to a Libreview designed dashboard. Alerts set for: ≥4 hours without CGM signal, ≥2 hours 54-70 mg/dl, and 15 minutes \<54 mg/dl. Libreview dashboard automatically emails daily alerts to the Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES). If alerts occurred, the CDCES performed telemedicine outreach based on type of alert.
Leads: University of Southern California

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