Congenital Heart Disease: Impact on Learning and Development in Down Syndrome (CHILD-DS)
The study objective is to compare neurodevelopmental (ND) and behavioral outcomes between children with Down syndrome (DS) who had complete atrioventricular septal defect (CAVSD) repair and children from the same clinical sites with DS without major congenital heart disease (CHD) requiring previous or planned CHD surgery.
⁃ Down Syndrome CAVSD Repair Group:
• Trisomy 21
• Male or Female, ages 5 years through 12 years
• Had CAVSD repair within the first year of life
• Parent or guardian and patient willing to comply with protocol and complete all study assessments; parent or guardian willing to provide written informed consent
• Child able to speak and understand English
⁃ Down Syndrome Comparison Group
• Trisomy 21
• Male or Female, age 5 years through 12 years
• No major CHD, defined as CHD requiring previous or planned CHD surgery
• Parent or guardian and patient willing to comply with protocol and complete all study assessments; parent or guardian willing to provide written informed consent
• Child able to speak and understand English