Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, (DMID) 21-0018: Efficacy of Immunization With 4C-MenB in Preventing Experimental Urethral Infection With Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Status: Recruiting
Location: See location...
Intervention Type: Biological, Drug
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Phase 2

This is a double-blind randomized controlled trial to test whether the group B meningitis vaccine 4 component Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B vaccine (BEXSEROTM) (4C-MenB), trade name Bexsero™), currently approved for use by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for protection from Neisseria meningitidis infections, also protects from Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection using controlled human experimental infection to test protection. The information the investigator learn by doing this study may also help to develop a vaccine that protects individuals from having gonorrhea infection. The study population will consist of male participants \> 18 and \< 36 years old, living in central North Carolina, in general good health without a history of 4C-MenB vaccination. Approximately 120-140 participants will be enrolled. Participants will receive 2 doses of vaccine (2 doses of 4C-MenB or 2 comparator vaccines- seasonal influenza and tetanus/diptheria booster) as intramuscular injections, and then one intraurethral challenge with Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Following the challenge, participants will cross-over and receive two doses of vaccines not received prior to challenge (2 doses of 4CMenB or the 2 comparator vaccines- seasonal influenza and tetanus/diptheria booster) All participants receive all vaccinations by the end of the study and all vaccines used in this study are licensed and FDA-approved.

Participation Requirements
Sex: Male
Minimum Age: 18
Maximum Age: 35
Healthy Volunteers: t

⁃ Participants must meet all the inclusion criteria to participate in the study.

• Assigned male at birth and now ≥ 18 and \< 36 years old

• No history of prior Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B (MenB) vaccination

• Able and willing to be located easily by providing street address and telephone number (land line and/or cell phone number)

• Willingness to provide written informed consent

• Informed consent obtained and signed

• Able and willing to attend all study visits

• Able and willing to abstain from all sexual activity involving contact with the participant's penis, urine, or semen and a person other than the participant during experimental gonococcal infection phase until the follow-up test for gonorrhea is negative

• Able and willing to abstain from scheduled immunizations other than those provided through the study, between enrollment and completion of Ng challenge.

• No clinically significant abnormalities on physical exam

• Urinalysis: leukocyte esterase and WBC values within normal limits

• 50% complement hemolytic activity (CH50) within normal limits (WNL)

• Negative HIV and syphilis test results at the screening visit

• Denies history of bleeding diathesis

• Denies history of seizures (due to reports of seizures with ciprofloxacin), history of childhood febrile seizure acceptable

• Denies history of cancer, except basal cell carcinoma of the skin \>5 years ago

• Denies current drug abuse that would interfere with study activities

• Denies history of penile, urethral, prostate, testis and associated structures surgery (varicocele repair, vasectomy, and vasectomy repair are acceptable if greater than 1 year prior to enrollment)

United States
North Carolina
Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC) at University of North Carolina (UNC) Hospitals and/or at UNC Global Clinical Research North
Chapel Hill
Contact Information
Joseph A Duncan, MD, PhD
Marcia M Hobbs, PhD
Time Frame
Start Date: 2022-04-18
Estimated Completion Date: 2028-02
Target number of participants: 140
Experimental: Experimental arm
All participants receive two immunizations prior to the bacterial challenge phase and two immunizations after the challenge phase. Individuals assigned to the experimental arm receive the recommended two doses of BEXSERO™ prior to bacterial challenge and control vaccines (FLULAVAL™ and TDVAX™) in the post-challenge vaccination phase.~For bacterial challenge, all participants receive a suspension containing 10\^6 colony-forming units of N. gonorrhoeae strain FA1090 delivered to the anterior urethra. Participants receive 100% effective antibiotic treatment for N. gonorrhoeae strain FA1090 infection when (1) requested by the participant regardless of signs, symptoms or positive cultures, (2) urethral discharge is observed by the examining clinician or reported by the participant, or (3) 10 days afterurethral inoculation with bacterial product, regardless of infection status.
Other: Control arm
All participants receive two immunizations prior to the bacterial challenge phase and two immunizations after the challenge phase. Individuals assigned to the control arm receive control vaccines that have no relevance to N. gonorrhoeae infection (FLULAVAL™ and TDVAX™) prior to bacterial challenge and then receive two doses of BEXSERO™ in the post-challenge vaccination phase.~For bacterial challenge, all participants receive a suspension containing 10\^6 colony-forming units of N. gonorrhoeae strain FA1090 delivered to the anterior urethra. Participants receive 100% effective antibiotic treatment for N. gonorrhoeae strain FA1090 infection when (1) requested by the participant regardless of signs, symptoms or positive cultures, (2) urethral discharge is observed by the examining clinician or reported by the participant, or (3) 10 days afterurethral inoculation with bacterial product, regardless of infection status.
Related Therapeutic Areas
Collaborators: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Leads: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

This content was sourced from clinicaltrials.gov

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