Harnessing Mobile Technology to Deliver Tailored, Brief Pain-CBT for Advanced Cancer Patients on Opioids for Pain

Status: Completed
Location: See all (3) locations...
Intervention Type: Behavioral
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Not Applicable

The purpose of this study is to test whether a mobile application developed to help people with cancer pain is useful and helpful to patients with cancer.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 18
Healthy Volunteers: f


• Age ≥ 18 years

• Patients diagnosed with an active cancer diagnosis, either undergoing active cancer treatment or receiving treatment for an advanced cancer or are receiving palliative care

• Treatment managed at participating clinic (DFCI outpatient palliative care, gastrointestinal cancer center, and DFCI satellite clinic Merrimack Valley or Londonderry)

• Chronic pain related to cancer or treatment (\> pain score of 4)

• Has an active prescription for at least one opioid medication to treat their cancer pain (i.e. not for post-surgical pain)

• Own a compatible smartphone (android) or is willing to use an android device provided by the study team

• Completes baseline survey

United States
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Dana-Farber at Merrimack Valley
New Hampshire
Dana-Farber at Londonderry
Time Frame
Start Date: 2022-07-01
Completion Date: 2023-06-27
Target number of participants: 10
Experimental: STAMP+CBT PILOT
Patients in this Pilot Cohort will be in the research study for 6 weeks total including:~* a 4-week intervention period and 2-week post intervention period.~* Patients will use the app for a total of 4 weeks (4-week intervention period), and will complete surveys at baseline, 4 weeks (end of intervention period), and at 6 weeks (end of 2-week post intervention period).
Related Therapeutic Areas
Leads: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Collaborators: National Palliative Care Research Center

This content was sourced from clinicaltrials.gov

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