Scalable TELeheaLth Cancer CARe: The STELLAR Program to Treat Cancer Risk Behaviors

Status: Recruiting
Location: See location...
Intervention Type: Behavioral
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Not Applicable

The goal of this clinical trial is to improve cancer patient's health, survival, and quality of life by dispelling risk behaviors for Northwestern Memorial Health Care (NMHC) patients who are cancer survivors. The main question\[s\] STELLAR aims to answer are: * How best to combine three behavior interventions (physical activity promotion, smoking cessation, obesity treatment) into one treatment. * Evaluate the reach of the program. We will look at the number, proportion, and representativeness of participants in terms of disease characteristics, socioeconomic status, telehealth readiness, and race/ethnicity. * Evaluate the effects of the STELLAR program relative to enhanced usual care (information provision) on cancer risk behaviors, patient care access, care quality, and communication. Participants will be provided goals related to their physical activity, smoking, and/or weight loss and asked to track their health behaviors via an app, excel file, or on paper. At baseline, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months into the study, participants will provide survey responses and physical measurements like height and weight. Additionally, those in the Facilitated group will complete 16 telehealth sessions with study staff to discuss progress towards their study goals. Researchers will compare the Facilitated group to the Self Guided group to see if the Facilitated intervention group is able to reach more participants that enhances care only.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 18
Healthy Volunteers: f

• Northwestern Medicine patient

• Over 18 years old

• Meet at least 2 of the following 3 criteria:

• Engage in \<150 min/week of physical activity

• BMI of ≥25

• Report daily smoking.

• History of cancer (all tumor types)

• Ability to attend telehealth visits either via landline, cell phone, smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer

United States
Northwestern University-Feinberg School of Medicine
Contact Information
Rana Mazzetta, MSW
Laura Scanlan
Time Frame
Start Date: 2024-09-24
Estimated Completion Date: 2027-07
Target number of participants: 3000
Active_comparator: FACILITATED Program
STELLAR arm participants will receive goals related to their physical activity, smoking, and/or obesity, and will be asked to meet those goals weekly/daily. Participants will also be asked to record their weight, activity, and/or cigarette smoking daily, and will complete 16 telehealth sessions with study staff across the 12 months of the study. Will have physical measures taken or extracted from the medical record at baseline, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months.
No_intervention: SELF GUIDED Program
Patients in the EUC group will receive informational packets about their risk behaviors - obesity, physical inactivity, and/or smoking. Will have physical measures taken or extracted from the medical record at baseline, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months
Related Therapeutic Areas
Leads: Northwestern University

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