The Impact of Self-Management With Probiotics on Urinary Symptoms and the Urine Microbiome in Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Spina Bifida (SB)
As a collaborative effort between MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH)/MedStar Health Research Institute (MHRI), Children's National Medical Center (CNMC) Department of Urology, Children's Research Institute (CRI) Center for Genetic Medicine Research, and Georgetown University Medical Center, the overall objective of this study is to develop, validate, and assess a patient-initiated, probiotics-based, self management protocol that is initiated at the time of urinary symptoms. The self-management protocol will allow patients to manage urinary symptoms and avoid potentially unnecessary antibiotic use, and provide a readily-available means of maintaining health, function, and independence throughout the lifespan.
• Age≥18 years
• SCI, SB or MS at least 1-year duration
• Neuropathic bladder, as determined by the attending physician
• Utilizing intermittent catheterization for bladder management
• A history of 2 or more UTIs in the past year
• Community dwelling.