A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Phase I Clinical Study to Evaluate Safety and Tolerability of a Recombinant Herpes Zoster Vaccine (LZ901) in Subjects Aged 50 to 70 Years Inclusive

Status: Recruiting
Location: See location...
Intervention Type: Biological, Drug
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Phase 1

This clinical trial is to study the safety and tolerability of a recombinant herpes zoster vaccine (LZ901) and sponsored by Beijing Luzhu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. It is a phase I, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose escalation study in healthy people aged 50 to 70 years inclusive. The study is to protect adults against shingles (herpes zoster / varicella zoster virus(VZV)). There will be about 66 participators who will receive two-dose injection at the upper arm. LZ901 vaccine is made up of a tetramer of VZV glycoprotein E (VZV gE-Fc) and adsorbed with aluminum hydroxide adjuvant. This adjuvant can raise the immune response to a lot of antigens. It is the most widely used and safe adjuvant in various types of vaccines worldwide. In this study: 1. The participation is voluntary. 2. Before the study, participants will receive some tests for screening. If qualified, investigators will officially invite them to join this study. 3. The study vaccine is LZ901 with two different dose levels (50μg/0.5 mL, 100μg/0.5 mL). The placebo, which is saline solution, has no active drug. Participants will receive one of three as above mentioned. 4. Participants will be enrolled in one of four cohorts. If participants are enrolled in Cohorts 1 or 2, they will receive LZ901. If participants are enrolled in Cohorts 3 or 4, they will have a 2 out of 3 chance (66%) of receiving LZ901 and 1 out of 3 chance (33%) of receiving placebo. 5. In Cohort 3 and 4, the study staff and participants will not know which study treatment participants will be receiving. However, the study doctor can get this information in case of an emergency. 6. Participants will stay at the clinic for 30 minutes after each vaccination to observe if there are any uncomfortable. 7. This study will last about 8 months and will include about 8 study visits to the clinic. During this period, participants will receive a follow-up phone call and/or email by the study staff to follow the condition closely for safety, and record on diary/contact card. 8. Participants will receive some tests during the study, include safety tests such as physical examination, vital signs measurements, blood tests, urinalysis. Participants will be measured the levels of specific antibodies to see if the vaccine works well. This study is for research purposes only. Participants may not receive any direct benefits from participating in this study but have a chance to be in a study that may help others in the future.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 50
Maximum Age: 70
Healthy Volunteers: t

• Males and females able to provide legal identity certificate, aged 50 to 70 years inclusive at the time of signing the ICF;

• Able to understand the study procedures, voluntarily agree to participate in the study, and sign the ICF;

• Subjects are healthy or have well controlled mild medical conditions as determined by the investigator;

• Female subjects are not pregnant or lactating. Female subjects with childbearing potential\* should take reliable contraceptive measures\*\*, and have no pregnancy and fertility plan within 7 months;

• \*Female subjects of childbearing potential are defined as sexually mature women: 1) have not undergone hysterectomy, bilateral salpingectomy, and bilateral oophorectomy; 2) have had natural menses at any time in the preceding 12 consecutive months (without an alternative medical cause). Post-menopausal should be confirmed with FSH and Estradiol levels.

• \*\*Reliable, medically acceptable forms of contraception:

⁃ For 3 months prior to screening - hormonal contraceptive (e.g., oral, patch, injectable, depot or vaginal ring), or implantable device (implantable rod or intrauterine device), or

⁃ For at least 1 month prior to screening - a double barrier method (e.g., diaphragm, cervical cap, or condom in conjunction with spermicide or sponge), or

⁃ Subjects of reproductive age that are abstinent are acceptable provided they agree to a double barrier method should they become sexually active during the study.

⁃ and subjects agree to continue birth control for at least 7 months.

• Able to attend all scheduled follow-up visits and able to comply with protocol requirements;

• Oral temperature \< 37.5℃/99.5℉.

United States
New Jersey
Frontage Clinical Services, Inc.
Contact Information
Frank Lee, MD
(201) 416-7745
Sumitha Reddy, MD
(201) 416-7760
Time Frame
Start Date: 2023-03-23
Estimated Completion Date: 2024-03-15
Target number of participants: 66
Experimental: Cohort1: Low dose sentinel group
Three subjects will be first enrolled into low dose sentinel group in open-label, prior to initiation of dosing in each dose level main group.
Experimental: Cohort2: High dose sentinel group
After reviewing the safety through 7 days after the first dose of LZ901, if no safety signals occur, another 3 subjects will be enrolled into high dose sentinel group in open-label.
Placebo_comparator: Cohort3: Low dose main group
If also no safety signals occur through 7 days after the first dose of LZ901 in high dose sentinel group, 30 subjects will be randomized in a 2:1 ratio to receive two doses of LZ901 or placebo in a double-blind fashion in low dose main group.
Placebo_comparator: Cohort4: High dose main group
Subjects will be enrolled in high dose main group also after the safety review through 7 days after the first dose of LZ901 or placebo in low dose main group.
Related Therapeutic Areas
Leads: Beijing Luzhu Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

This content was sourced from clinicaltrials.gov

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