Community-based Communication Interventions for Increasing Repeat Donation Among First- Time Blood Donors in Ghana: A Pragmatic Type 1 Effectiveness- Implementation Hybrid Trial
A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the WhatsApp groups or docudrama compared to a control group (usual engagement with blood services) on repeat blood donation attempts among first-time blood donors in Ghana. Secondary outcomes will be blood donor retention, blood donation knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, motivations, intention to donate, and relatedness as potential mediators of blood donation behavior among first-time blood donors. The RCT will have three arms: 1. WhatsApp; 2. docudrama; 3. control. Each participant in the WhatsApp and docudrama arms will receive the intervention for 14 months. Participants in the control arm will receive standard national blood donation communications and be followed for 14 months. Actualized blood donation is possible every four months using NBSG guidelines; consequently, participants may make multiple blood donation attempts. Return blood donation attempts will be evaluated using the Southern Zonal Blood Center (SZBC) records (primary outcome) and participant self-report (secondary outcome) at 7 months and 14 months. Secondary measures will be evaluated at baseline, 7 and 14 months from enrollment. The duration of the RCT will be 26 months allowing for 12 months to achieve enrollment goals and 14 months of follow-up for the last individual enrolled.
• At least 18 years-old
• First-time whole blood donor with the SZBC of the NBSG
• Eligible to donate again at the time of eligibility confirmation
• Consent to participate
• Understands one of English, Twi, or Ga
• Have a smart phone
• Have, or be willing to sign up for an active WhatsApp account
• Be willing to watch a docudrama on blood donation in a group setting