A Long-Term, Open Label Extension Study of Pemziviptadil (PB1046) Subcutaneous Injections in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Subjects Following Completion of Study PB1046-PT-CL-0004
This is a multi-center, Phase 2 Long-Term, Open Label Extension (OLE) Study to assess the safety and tolerability of pemziviptadil (PB1046) at an optimally titrated dose. This is a Long-Term, Open label Extension (OLE) Study for subjects with (PAH), having participated in double-blind Study PB1046-PT-CL-0004. The study will include adult subjects previously diagnosed with symptomatic PAH, who are receiving background clinician-directed therapy for PAH. During this period, subjects will continue to be followed for safety and tolerability, as well as for periodic efficacy, quality of life data and immunogenicity. The study will continue per the schedule of events until such time when pemziviptadil (PB1046) is able to be self-administered, becomes commercially available to the subjects in a particular country or region, or the sponsor terminates the study due to lack of efficacy, safety or other reasons.
• Subjects must have completed Week 17 / End of Study of PB1046-PT-CL-0004;
• Willing and able to sign a written Informed Consent (IC) prior to all study-related procedures;
• Agrees to use a medically acceptable method of contraception (both male and female patients) throughout the entire study period and continuing for 30 days after their last dose of study drug. if the possibility of conception exists. Medically acceptable methods of contraception include the following: abstinence (not having sex), vasectomy (with confirmed negative sperm counts), condoms and partner using vaginal spermicide and/or cervical cap with spermicide or sponge; oral, implantable, or injectable contraceptives (starting ˃2 months before dosing), diaphragm with vaginal spermicide, intrauterine device, surgical sterilization (˃6 months after surgery). Female subjects ˂45 years of age of non-childbearing potential are defined as being surgically sterile by bilateral tubal ligation, bilateral oophorectomy, or hysterectomy. Female subjects 45to-60 years of age, inclusive, who are post-menopausal for at least 1 year, and have a follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level confirmation indicating post-menopausal status, will be considered to be of non-childbearing potential. Female subjects \> 60 years of age are considered post-menopausal and of non-childbearing potential;
• Willing and able to understand and follow instructions, return to the study unit for specified study visits; and, be able to participate in the study through the Stable Dose Maintenance Period, at a minimum.