Human Recombinant Fibroblast Growth Factor-1 (FGF-1), for the Treatment of Subjects With Severe Coronary Heart Disease, a Placebo Controlled, Double-blind, Dose-varying Study

Who is this study for? Patients with severe coronary artery disease
What treatments are being studied? Human Recombinant Fibroblast Growth Factor-1
Status: Unknown
Intervention Type: Combination product
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Phase 2

Treatment for no-option heart patients with coronary artery disease. Procedure includes the injection into the heart of a protein growth factor, administered by the Biological Delivery Systems MyoStar injection and mapping catheters, to stimulate the growth of blood vessels around blocked coronary arteries.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 25
Maximum Age: 75
Healthy Volunteers: f

• Sign an informed consent form.

• Age ≥25 and ≤75 years, either gender, and any race.

• At least a 3 month history of chronic, stable angina and is relieved by rest and/or nitroglycerin.

• Documented symptomatic CCS Angina Classification of III to IV despite use of optimal medical therapy as noted in Inclusion Criterion 10.

• Pattern of CHD (coronary pathology) where percutaneous interventional therapy and/or CABG is not recommended by the treating cardiologist. This decision should have a documented basis in either complicated vessel physiology and/or lack of suitable target vessels for both PTCA and CABG, or past history of complications.

• One/two/three vessel disease as evidenced either by an angiographic documentation of advanced atherosclerotic narrowing of ≥60% of at least one major epicardial coronary artery (right coronary artery \[RCA\], left circumflex \[LCX\], or LAD \[or any of their branches\]), or of diffuse type of CHD as evidenced by the appearance on coronary angiography of multiple stenoses, multiple atherosclerotic plaques, and/or peripheral occlusion(s) of coronary vessel(s) with and without a history of MIs.

• demonstrate a radionuclide or angiographically determined left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≥30%.

• Pre-operative proof of reversible ischemia.

• No evidence of proliferative retinopathy or significant non-proliferative retinopathy.

⁃ must be on optimal medical therapy for at least 2 months prior to entering the study, as documented by a medical history. This will include medical management, and subjects must enter the study on at least one of the following medications: beta-blockers, calcium entry blockers, ranolizine, or long-acting nitrates.

⁃ Exercise duration during the qualifying treadmill tests at Visit 1 and Visit 2 is ≥3 and ≤9 minutes on a modified Bruce protocol.

⁃ Exercise durations for the qualifying treadmill tests at Visits 1 and 2 must satisfy at least one of the two following conditions: (a) they differ by less than or equal to 20% of the longer time; (b) they differ by less than or equal to 60 seconds. Subjects whose ETTs at Visits 1 and 2 do not satisfy at least one of these two conditions are allowed a third ETT, at the investigator's discretion, from 5 to 7 days after Visit 2. If a third ETT is done, then when compared with the second ETT it must satisfy at least one of the two conditions above.

⁃ For a treadmill test result to support inclusion it must terminate in the presence of angina for either of the following reasons: (a) angina becomes too severe to continue the test AND there must be a horizontal depression or downsloping ST-segment of at least 1 mm measured 80 ms from the J point as subsequently established by the Biomedical Systems central ECG lab, or (b) angina of any grade AND there must be a horizontal depression or downsloping ST-segment measured 80 ms from the J point of 2 mm during exercise. The qualifying time for the treadmill test will then be the time to a horizontal depression or downsloping ST-segment of 1 mm compared to the pre-exercise ST segment as subsequently established by the Biomedical Systems central ECG lab.

⁃ A forced vital capacity (FVC) of ≥30%.

⁃ A negative pregnancy test in women of childbearing potential at Screening.

⁃ Female subjects must be post-menopausal or sterilized, or if she is of childbearing potential, she is not breast feeding, has no intention to become pregnant during the course of the study, and is using contraceptive drugs or devices.

⁃ Negative cancer screening tests according to the American Cancer Society (\[ACS\] Appendix 13.8).

⁃ Ability to complete the study in compliance with the protocol.

Contact Information
Warren Sherman, MD
(972) 681-9368
Adam Nedella
(972) 681-9368
Time Frame
Start Date: 2020-03
Completion Date: 2023-03
Target number of participants: 150
Experimental: 1
Human Recombinant Fibroblast Growth Factor-1 (FGF 1-141) - high dose, given as intramyocardial injections via a NOGA Injection Catheter, single cath lab session.
Experimental: 2
Human Recombinant Fibroblast Growth Factor-1 (FGF 1-141) - low dose, given as intramyocardial injections via a NOGA Injection Catheter, single cath lab session.
Placebo_comparator: 3
Placebo solution void (not containing) Human Recombinant Fibroblast Growth Factor-1 (FGF 1-141), given as intramyocardial injections via a NOGA Injection Catheter, single cath lab session.
Related Therapeutic Areas
Leads: CardioVascular BioTherapeutics, Inc.

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