Leveraging Technology to Address Access and Adherence to Conventional Hospital-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Veterans With COPD
Persons with COPD have significant functional disability but cannot access rehabilitative treatment at hospital-based conventional pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) programs. This project will determine whether an Internet-mediated, pedometer-based walking program can increase physical activity in persons with COPD who qualify for but cannot access PR, compared to usual care. This proposal has high potential to deliver an immediate solution to a pressing clinical need. The proposed research addresses Rehabilitation R\&D Service's current priority area of improving disabled Veterans' health-related quality of life by reducing disease burden and maximizing functional recovery.
• Male and female subjects, greater than or equal to 40 years of age
• Clinical diagnosis of COPD defined as either a ratio of FEV1 to forced vital capacity (FVC) \< 0.70 or chest CT evidence of emphysema or prior documentation of FEV1/FVC ratio of \< 0.7 and clinical evidence of COPD
‣ defined as 10 pack-year cigarette smoking history
⁃ dyspnea
⁃ or on bronchodilators
• Have declined participation in or cannot access a conventional pulmonary rehabilitation program
• Medical clearance from healthcare provider to participate in an exercise program
• Have access to a computer with Internet connection, a USB port or Bluetooth capability, and Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 or higher, or Mac OSX 10.5 or higher operating system, or willing to come to VA Medical Center to use study computers
• Competent to provide informed consent
• Willingness to make return visits and be available by telephone for duration of study