A Longitudinal Outcomes Study of the Subchondroplasty® Procedure in the Foot/Ankle
Post Market clinical outcomes study to collect data on the short - and long-term outcomes for subjects who are undergoing or who have undergone the Subchondroplasty Procedure in the foot and/or ankle in a standard clinical setting. Outcomes to be assessed include pain medication usage, pain, function, activity levels and patient satisfaction.
• Subject has at least one bone defect such as a bone marrow lesion (BML), cyst or stress fracture confirmed by diagnostic imaging
• Surgeon considers the patient appropriate for the SCP procedure
• Subject provides voluntary signature on the Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved Informed Consent
• Subject is at least 18 years of age
• Subject must be physically and mentally willing and able, in the Investigator's opinion at the time of enrollment, to complete outcome forms via the internet, telephone or regular mail