A Study to Evaluate Dolutegravir Plus Lamivudine Dual Therapy for the Treatment of Naïve HIV-1-infected Participants
This study was done to see if the combination of two anti-HIV medicines, dolutegravir (DTG, Tivicay) and lamivudine (3TC, Epivir) taken once a day, provide a safe, effective, and well-tolerated treatment for HIV. DTG is a type of HIV medicine called an integrase inhibitor; 3TC is a type of HIV medicine called a reverse transcriptase inhibitor. DTG works by blocking integrase and 3TC works by blocking reverse transcriptase, two HIV proteins (enzymes). This prevents HIV from multiplying and lowers the viral load (amount of HIV in the blood). Both DTG and 3TC are currently part of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended regimens along with a third active drug. Since some HIV medicines have side effects and are costly, there is interest in whether HIV can be successfully controlled with fewer than three HIV drugs.
• HIV-1 infection.
• Plasma HIV-1 RNA ≥1000 copies/mL and \<500,000 copies/mL obtained within 90 days prior to study entry.
• No evidence of any RT, any integrase, or major protease resistance mutation (according to the 2014 IAS-USA drug resistance mutations list, available at https://www.iasusa.org/sites/default/files/tam/22-3-642.pdf) based on pre-ARV (antiretroviral) treatment genotype performed any time prior to study entry.
• ARV treatment drug-naive (defined as no previous ARV treatment at any time prior to study entry, with the exception of successful post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
• The following laboratory values obtained within 45 days prior to study entry:
‣ ANC (absolute neutrophil count) ≥750/mm\^3
⁃ Hemoglobin ≥10.0 g/dL
⁃ Platelets ≥ 50,000/mm\^3
⁃ Calculated creatinine clearance (CrCl) ≥50 mL/min, as estimated by the Cockcroft-Gault equation
⁃ AST (aspartate aminotransferase) \<5 x ULN (upper limit of normal)
⁃ ALT (alanine aminotransferase) \<5x ULN
⁃ Total bilirubin \<1.5 x ULN
• Hepatitis B surface antigen negative within 45 days prior to study entry.
• For women with reproductive potential, negative serum or urine pregnancy test at screening and within 48 hours prior to study entry.
• If participating in sexual activity that could lead to pregnancy, female participants with reproductive potential must have agreed to use one form of contraceptive as listed in the protocol while receiving protocol-specified medications and for 30 days after stopping the medications.
• Ability and willingness of participant or legal representative to provide informed consent.