Evaluation of Latanoprost Combined With Fractional Erbium- YAG Laser Versus Microneedling in Alopecia Areata Treatment
Alopecia areata (AA) an autoimmune disorder of hair follicles results in varying degrees of scalp, facial and body hair loss. Clinically, patients' presentation varies from patchy circumscribed scalp involvement to total body and scalp hair loss affects up to 2% of the general population. The exact pathobiology of AA has still remained elusive, while the common theory is the collapse of the immune privilege of the hair follicle caused by immunological mechanism. Multiple genetic, environment factors and psychological stress contribute to the pathogenesis of Alopecia Areata . Recent insights into the pathogenesis of AA have led to the development of new treatment strategies, such as Janus kinase inhibitors, biologics and several small molecular agents. In addition, modern therapies for AA, including antihistamines, platelet-rich plasma injection
• Patients of both sexes with localized stable alopecia areata of the scalp of 3 months duration at least.