A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial of Fluconazole in Combination With IL-23 Therapy Versus IL-23 Therapy Alone for the Treatment of Crohn's Disease
The goal of this clinical trial is to learn about the effects of fluconazole in patients who plan to start or are currently undergoing standard of care treatment and plan to dose-escalate an IL-23 therapy for their Crohn's disease. The main question it aims to assess is whether or not patient response to IL-23 therapies improve when simultaneously treated with fluconazole.
• Patients at least 18 years old
• Patients with mild to moderate Crohn's disease as defined by CDAI score of 150-450
• Besides the biologics of interest in this study, subjects must be on stable dosing of any therapy for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment initiation. Including:
‣ Steroids (9 mg or less of budesonide, 20 mg or less of prednisone)
⁃ Mesalamines
⁃ Immunomodulators
⁃ Biologics
⁃ Other medications for IBD (inflammatory bowel disease)