A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety, Efficacy, Pharmacodynamics, and Pharmacokinetics of Lademirsen (SAR339375) for Subcutaneous Injection Administered Every Week in Patients With Alport Syndrome

Who is this study for? Adult patients with Alport Syndrome
What treatments are being studied? Iademirsen
Status: Terminated
Location: See all (23) locations...
Intervention Type: Drug
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Phase 2

Objectives: * To assess the efficacy of lademirsen (SAR339375) in reducing the decline in renal function. * To assess the safety and tolerability of lademirsen (SAR339375) in participants with Alport syndrome. Secondary Objectives: * To assess plasma pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters of the parent compound and its active major metabolite. * To assess the potential formation of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) following administration of lademirsen (SAR339375). * To assess the pharmacodynamic effect of lademirsen (SAR339375) on miR-21 and on changes in renal injury and function biomarkers.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 18
Maximum Age: 55
Healthy Volunteers: f

• Male or female.

• Confirmed diagnosis of Alport syndrome

∙ Clinical diagnosis (hematuria, family history, hearing loss, ocular change), AND

‣ Genetic confirmation of Alport Syndrome in the participant or the family member, OR

‣ Kidney biopsy showing glomerular basement membrane abnormalities (e.g., significant thinning, thickening, irregularity or lucencies) consistent with Alport Syndrome.

• Age 18-55 years old.

• eGFR \> 35 ml/min/1.73m\^2 and \<90 mL/min/1.73m\^2 (based on CKD-EPI) at screening.

• Renal Function Criteria (participants must have met at least one of the following CRITERIA A, B or C):

‣ A) Decline in eGFR of \>=4 mL/min/1.73 m\^2/year (eGFR slope \<= -4) based on a linear regression slope analysis of \>=4 eGFR measurements within 3 years prior to the study and with a minimum of 2-year time span (the last, of the screening measurement, and first eGFR measurements should be separated by at least 2 years). eGFR was calculated by using either the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) creatinine equation.

⁃ B) proteinuria (UPCR) \>2000 mg/g (UACR\>1000 mg/g).

⁃ C) Age and sex adjusted eGFR (based on CKD-Epi; male 18-23 eGFR\<90 mL/min/1.73m\^2

• ACE inhibitor and/or ARB, the dosing regimen should be stable for at least 30 days prior to screening.

• Sexually active female participants of childbearing potential and sexually mature male participants must have agreed to practice true abstinence in line with their preferred and usual lifestyle or to use two acceptable effective methods of contraception for the entire duration of the study and for at least 6 weeks after last dose.

• Negative drug screen for opiates, cocaine, heroin, phencyclidine, amphetamines (including ecstasy), barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and cannabinoids. At the Investigator's discretion, participants prescribed benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, or opiates with positive results on a drug screen were allowed.

• Negative screening results for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibody, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody.

• Normal biological tests.

• Able to understand all study procedures in the informed consent form (ICF) and to comply with all aspects of the protocol.

United States
Investigational Site Number :8400002
Los Angeles
University of Minnesota Childrens' Hospital_Investigational Site Number :8400003
New York
Columbia University Medical Center_Investigational Site Number :8400004
New York
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation_Investigational Site Number :8400001
University of Utah_Investigational Site Number :8400005
Salt Lake City
Other Locations
Investigational Site Number :0360003
Investigational Site Number :0360002
Investigational Site Number :0360001
Investigational Site Number :1560001
Investigational Site Number :1560002
Investigational Site Number :1560004
Investigational Site Number :2500001
Investigational Site Number :2500002
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Klinik für Nephrologie und Rheumatologie_Investigational Site Number :2760002
Uniklinik Köln, Innere Medizin II - Nephrologie, Rheumatologie, Diabetologie und Allgemeine Innere Medizin_Investigational Site Number :2760001
Investigational Site Number :7240001
Investigational Site Number :7240004
Investigational Site Number :7240005
Investigational Site Number :7240003
Investigational Site Number :7240002
Madrid / Madrid
United Kingdom
Investigational Site Number :8260001
Investigational Site Number :8260003
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Investigational Site Number :8260002
Time Frame
Start Date: 2019-11-02
Completion Date: 2022-09-22
Target number of participants: 43
Experimental: Placebo/Lademirsen
Participants received subcutaneous (SC) doses of placebo (matched to lademirsen) every week (QW) during the 48 weeks of double blind (DB) treatment period. Participants who received placebo and completed DB treatment period entered in open-label extension (OLE) treatment period and received lademirsen at a dose of 110 milligrams (mg) QW for an additional 48 weeks (i.e., up to Week 96).
Experimental: Lademirsen/Lademirsen
Participants received SC doses of lademirsen 110 mg QW during the 48 weeks of DB treatment period. Participants who completed DB treatment period entered in OLE treatment period and continued the same lademirsen treatment in OLE period for an additional 48 weeks (i.e., up to Week 96).
Related Therapeutic Areas
Leads: Genzyme, a Sanofi Company

This content was sourced from clinicaltrials.gov