Effect of Antiretroviral Treatment Initiated During Acute HIV-1 Infection on Measures of HIV-1 Persistence and on HIV-1-Specific Immune Responses

Who is this study for? Patients recently or acutely infected with HIV-1
What treatments are being studied? Elvitegravir+Cobicistat+Emtricitabine+Tenofovir alafenamide or other medically-appropriate FDA-approved antiretroviral therapy
Status: Active_not_recruiting
Location: See all (30) locations...
Intervention Type: Drug
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Phase 2

The study was done to: * Start antiretroviral therapy (ART) early in those recently or acutely infected with HIV-1 * See how starting ART as soon as the infection is found affects the amount of HIV-1 in blood and how well the body fights the HIV-1 infection * Look at the amount of HIV-1 DNA (genetic material for HIV-1) seen in CD4+ T-cells (infection-fighting cells in blood) after 48 weeks of ART * See how early treatment for HIV affects the numbers of HIV-1 infection fighting cells (CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells) in blood

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 18
Healthy Volunteers: f

‣ Appropriate documentation from medical records of diagnosis of acute HIV-1 infection (AHI) within 7 days prior to enrollment, that includes one of the following:

⁃ A detectable HIV-1 RNA within 28 days prior to study entry AND a non-reactive HIV-1 antibody within 7 days prior to entry OR

⁃ A detectable HIV-1 RNA or a reactive HIV-1 antibody within 28 days prior to study entry AND a negative/indeterminate WB or negative/indeterminate Geenius HIV-1/HIV-2 Supplemental Assay within 7 days prior to entry OR

⁃ A documented non-reactive HIV-1 antibody or negative HIV-1 RNA within 90 days prior to study entry AND a documented reactive HIV-1 antibody or positive WB that is negative for p31 band or a positive Geenius HIV-1/HIV-2 Supplemental Assay that is negative for p31 band within 7 days prior to entry OR

⁃ ARCHITECT or GSCOMBO S/CO ≥10 within 7 days prior to entry AND a non-reactive HIV-1 antibody within 7 days prior to entry OR

⁃ ARCHITECT or GSCOMBO S/CO ≥1 within 7 days prior to entry AND a non-reactive HIV-1 antibody within 7 days prior to entry AND a known prior S/CO \<0.5 within 90 days prior to entry OR

⁃ ARCHITECT or GSCOMBO S/CO \>0.5 but \<10 within 7 days prior to entry AND a non-reactive HIV-1 antibody within 7 days prior to entry AND detectable HIV-1 RNA within 7 days prior to entry

‣ Note A: HIV-1 RNA result must be reported from an FDA-approved or CE-marked assay.

‣ Note B: Since characterization of Fiebig stage using samples at the time of ART initiation was performed with results known within 12 weeks based on standardized, centralized testing, an estimated Fiebig group at enrollment based on inclusion criteria as shown in the table above will provide additional real-time monitoring for accruals into each study group.

• Ability and willingness of candidate to provide written informed consent.

• Ability and willingness to initiate ART at enrollment.

• Ability and willingness to participate in scheduled study visits for up to 72 weeks.

• Female candidates of reproductive potential who are not pregnant at the time of enrollment and who will receive the study-provided EVG/COBI/FTC/TAF and must agree not to participate in the conception process (ie, active attempt to become pregnant, in vitro fertilization), and if participating in sexual activity that could lead to pregnancy, the female candidate must agree to use at least one reliable form of contraceptive while receiving study-provided treatment.

‣ Female candidates are considered to be of reproductive potential if any of the following conditions apply:

• Candidate has experienced menarche.

• Candidate has not undergone bilateral tubal ligation, bilateral oophorectomy, or hysterectomy.

• Candidate has not experienced menopause, defined as lack of menstruation within the preceding 12 months.

‣ Acceptable contraceptive methods include:

• Condoms (male or female) with or without a spermicidal agent

• Diaphragm or cervical cap with spermicide

• Intrauterine device

• Hormonal contraceptive

‣ Female candidates who are not of reproductive potential or whose male partner(s) has documented azoospermia are not required to use contraceptives. Any statement of self-reported sterility or that of her partner must be entered in the source documents.

‣ NOTE: Acceptable documentation of lack of reproductive potential is oral or written documentation from the individual.

‣ Female candidates who are prescribed a non-study-provided ARV regimen should discuss the safety of that regimen during conception and pregnancy with the prescribing physician. Such individuals should follow medical guidance regarding any potential need for contraception while using the non-study-provided ARV regimen.

‣ Note: Pregnant and breastfeeding women may enroll in the study provided that they meet the eligibility requirements and have access to non-study-provided ARV regimens.

United States
31788 Alabama CRS
Ucsd, Avrc Crs (701)
San Diego
Harbor-UCLA Med. Ctr. CRS (603)
Washington, D.c.
Whitman Walker Health CRS (31791)
The Ponce de Leon Center CRS (5802)
Northwestern University CRS (2701)
Rush Univ. Med. Ctr. ACTG CRS (2702)
Brigham and Women's Hosp. ACTG CRS (107)
Massachusetts General Hospital ACTG CRS (101)
Washington University CRS (2101)
Saint Louis
North Carolina
3201 Chapel Hill CRS
Chapel Hill
Greensboro CRS (3203)
New Jersey
31786 New Jersey Medical School Clinical Research Center CRS
New York
7804 Weill Cornell Chelsea CRS
New York
Columbia Physicians and Surgeons CRS (30329)
New York
Univ. of Cincinnati CRS (2401)
The Ohio State Univ. AIDS CRS (2301)
6201 Penn Therapeutics CRS
Pittsburgh CRS (1001)
Rhode Island
The Miriam Hosp. ACTG CRS (2951)
31443 Trinity Health and Wellness Center CRS
31473 Houston AIDS Research Team (HART) CRS
University of Washington AIDS CRS (1401)
Other Locations
Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceicao CRS (12201)
Porto Alegre
Instituto de Pesquisa Clinica Evandro Chagas (12101)
Rio De Janeiro
Malawi CRS (12001)
Barranco CRS
San Miguel CRS (11302)
San Isidro
31802 Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Center Treatment (TRC-ARC Treatment) CRS
Milton Park CRS (30313)
Time Frame
Start Date: 2017-01
Completion Date: 2025-04-30
Target number of participants: 195
Experimental: Arm 1: Fiebig I/II
Participants enrolled during Fiebig stages I or II (non-reactive HIV-1 antibody).
Experimental: Arm 2: Fiebig III/IV
Participants enrolled during Fiebig stages III or IV (reactive HIV-1 antibody and negative or indeterminate results on the Western blot or Geenius HIV-1/HIV-2).
Experimental: Arm 3: Fiebig V
Participants enrolled during Fiebig stage V (reactive HIV-1 antibody and positive Western blot or Geenius HIV-1/HIV-2 without p31 band).
Collaborators: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Leads: Advancing Clinical Therapeutics Globally for HIV/AIDS and Other Infections

This content was sourced from clinicaltrials.gov