A Comparison of CD4 T Cell Induction and Antibody Responses Between a Pure Hemagglutinin Influenza Vaccine and Licensed Subvirion Influenza Vaccine Made in Eggs or Cell Culture in Healthy Adults.

Who is this study for? Patients with Influenza
Status: Completed
Location: See location...
Intervention Type: Biological
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Phase 4

This study will evaluate in detail the way that the immune system responds to three different kinds of flu shots that are licensed in the United States.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 18
Maximum Age: 49
Healthy Volunteers: t

• Aged between 18 and 49 years of age (inclusive).

• Female subjects must fulfill one of the following: (i) not able to bear children because she has been surgically sterilized (tubal ligation or hysterectomy) or (ii) agrees to practice effective methods of contraception that may include, but are not limited to abstinence, barrier methods, monogamous relationship with vasectomized partner, birth control pills, patches, hormonal shots or hormonal implants, NuvaRing and IUDs (intrauterine devices), from 30 days prior to study enrollment through 30 days following receipt of the last dose of vaccine.

• Female subjects of childbearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test (urine or serum) within 24 hours prior to vaccination.

• The subject must be in good health, as determined by: vital signs (heart rate \>55 to \<100 bpm; blood pressure: systolic ≥ 90 mm Hg and ≤150 mm Hg; diastolic ≤ 90 mm Hg; oral temperature \<100.0ºF); medical history; and targeted physical examination, when necessary, based on medical history. Stable medical condition is defined as: no recent increase in prescription medication, dose, or frequency of medication in the last 3 months and health outcomes of the specific disease are considered to be within acceptable limits in the last 6 months.

• The subject is able to understand and comply with the planned study procedures, including being available for all study visits.

• The subject has provided informed consent prior to any study procedures.

• Subjects who have not received seasonal flu vaccine for the current year.

United States
New York
University of Rochester Medical Center, Vaccine Research Unit Room 3-5000
Time Frame
Start Date: 2015-10-28
Completion Date: 2021-06-30
Target number of participants: 413
Active_comparator: FluBlok
FluBlok 0.5 mL given IM X1
Active_comparator: Fluzone
Fluzone 0.5 mL given IM X1
Active_comparator: FluCelVax
FluCelVax 0.5 mL given IM X 1
Active_comparator: Fluzone HD
Fluzone HD 0.5 mL given IM X1
Related Therapeutic Areas
Collaborators: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Leads: University of Rochester

This content was sourced from clinicaltrials.gov