Understanding and Predicting Breast Cancer Events After Treatment (UPBEAT)
This study is being done to see if patients receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer affects the heart, the ability to exercise and fatigue when compared to patients who do not have cancer.
• Stage I-III female breast cancer (including inflammatory and newly diagnosed or locally recurrent breast cancer) but not metastatic breast cancer being treated with curative intent
• \> 18 years old
• Scheduled to receive chemotherapy and/or estrogen antagonist aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole \[Arimidex\], letrozole \[Femara\], exemestane \[Aromasin\]).
• Able to hold breath for 10 seconds
• ECOG performance status 0 -2
• Able to walk at least 2 blocks without chest pain, dyspnea, shortness of breath or fainting
• Able to exercise on a treadmill or stationary cycle
• Participants in other ongoing clinical trials are eligible for this study
• Healthy female without known coronary artery disease \> 18 years old
• Able to hold breath 10 seconds
• ECOG performance status = 0 or 1
• Able to walk at least 2 blocks without chest pain, dyspnea, shortness of breath or fainting
• Able to exercise on a treadmill or stationary cycle
• No personal history of cancer other than superficial skin cancers
• Has never received chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, or had breast cancer related surgery
• If previously measured, LVEF ≥ 50%