Phaseout DMD: A Phase 2 Clinical Study to Assess the Activity and Safety of Utrophin Modulation With Ezutromid in Ambulatory Paediatric Male Subjects With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (SMT C11005)

Status: Terminated
Location: See all (16) locations...
Intervention Type: Drug
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Phase 2

To Assess the Activity and Safety of SMT C1100 (Ezutromid) in Paediatric Male Participants with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

Participation Requirements
Sex: Male
Minimum Age: 5
Healthy Volunteers: f

• Be able to provide written informed consent/assent as per local requirements.

• Be male.

• Have phenotypic evidence of dystrophinopathy based on the onset of characteristic clinical symptoms or signs (e.g., proximal muscle weakness, waddling gait, and Gowers' manoeuvre), an elevated serum creatinine kinase level, and ongoing difficulty with walking.

• Have prior confirmation of the duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) diagnosis through:

⁃ Documentation of the presence of a mutation in the dystrophin gene as determined by gene sequencing from a laboratory certified by the College of American Pathologists, the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act/Amendment or an equivalent organisation or documentation of the absence of dystrophin in the muscle (via biopsy).

• Be able to undergo MRI examination.

• Participants must have used stable systemic corticosteroids (prednisone, prednisolone or deflazacort) for a minimum of 6 months immediately prior to the start of the Treatment Phase, with no significant change in dosage or dosing regimen (not related to body weight change) and a reasonable expectation that dosage and dosing regimen will not change significantly for the duration of the study.

• Confirmed screening laboratory values within the central laboratory ranges (haematology, renal and serum electrolyte parameters and serum chemistry parameters) or considered not clinically significant in the opinion of the Investigator. Variations in specific parameters expected in a DMD population classed by the Investigator as not clinically significant will not exclude the participant.

• Be willing and able to comply with scheduled visits, drug administration plan, study procedures, laboratory tests and study restrictions.

⁃ Cohort 1 and 2 Specific Inclusion Criteria:

• Be aged ≥5 years to \<10 years of age (from 5th birthday to 10th birthday).

• Be willing and able to comply with 2 muscle biopsy procedures.

• Have the ability to walk at least 300 meters unassisted during the screening 6 minute walk distance (6MWD) and be below the protocol-specified threshold for 80%-predicted 6MWD.

• Have results of 2 6MWD by Baseline determined as valid. The results of the second 6MWD (baseline) must be within 20% of the first 6MWD (screening).

• Have cardiac echocardiogram (ECHO) measurements showing an ejection fraction of ≥55% and fractional shortening of ≥28%.

⁃ Cohort 3 Specific Inclusion Criteria:

• Have taken part in a prior SMT C1100 study.

United States
UCLA-David Geffen School of Medicine
Los Angeles
Children's Hosptial of Colorado
Nemours Children's Clinic
Boston Children's Hospital
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Oregon Health and Science University
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
University of Utah Hospital and Clinics
Salt Lake City
Other Locations
United Kingdom
Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust - Heartlands Hospital
Bristol Children's Hospital
Addenbrooke's Hospital
Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Manchester Children's Hospital - Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
The Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals
Time Frame
Start Date: 2016-06
Completion Date: 2018-09-11
Target number of participants: 43
Experimental: Cohort 1: SMT C1100 Formulation 1
Participants received 2.5 g SMT C1100 formulation 1 orally twice-daily for at least 48 weeks.
Experimental: Cohort 2: SMT C1100 Formulation 2
Participants received 1 g SMT C1100 formulation 2 orally twice-daily for at least 48 weeks.
Experimental: Cohort 3: SMT C1100 Formulation 1
Participants in this cohort had previously received SMT C1100, but were not eligible for Cohorts 1 or 2. Participants received 2.5 g SMT C1100 formulation 1 orally twice-daily for at least 48 weeks.
Leads: Summit Therapeutics

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