A Comprehensive, Long-term Integrated Programme to Study the Aetiology and Immunopathology of Childhood Infectious, Inflammatory and Allergic Disease, Using the Large Patient Base of Children Attending St Mary's Hospital, London

Status: Completed
Location: See location...
Study Type: Observational

This proposal represents a unified programme supported by both clinical and academic staff in the Departments of Paediatrics at Imperial College and St Mary's Hospital, Southampton Hospital and John Radcliffe Hospital (Oxford). St Mary's Hospital is the hub of a paediatric network for West London, and forms part of the Paediatric Intensive Care Network for the London region, with potential access to a population of 3 million children. We aim to improve diagnosis and understanding of children with infectious, inflammatory and allergic conditions. Our study will establish well-characterised cohorts of patients with defined conditions, in whom microbiological and patient samples will be used to understand the contribution of genetic background, differential gene expression, proteomics and the pathogen type to the disease process. Unwell children coming to hospital through any route will be invited to join the study. Entering the study will entail the child having blood taken for research purposes in addition to the clinically indicated tests. We will also recruit well (control) children who are having blood tests performed for elective purposes, such as surgery. In addition, children presenting with an illness that is likely to have an infectious aetiology will also have samples collected for microbiological diagnosis. Those samples taken for ordinary diagnostic purposes (such as blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid or nasal brushings for epithelial cell cultures) would also be used for state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques, in order to maximise the likelihood of confirming a microbiological diagnosis. Where healthy, uninfected children are having invasive procedures, such as lumbar punctures, we would aim to recruit these children as controls and collect biological samples such as CSF samples. This bid addresses the need for translational research in paediatrics, by building on the world-class basic science and clinical paediatric base at Imperial College and St Mary's Hospital.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Maximum Age: 16
Healthy Volunteers: f

• children presenting via any means to Hospital

• children needing blood tests for any clinical reason

• children who have presented because of a condition consistent with an infectious, inflammatory or allergic process

Other Locations
United Kingdom
St Mary's Hospital, Paddington
Time Frame
Start Date: 2009-07-20
Completion Date: 2019-06-11
Target number of participants: 902
Infection, inflammation or allergy
Children presenting via any means to St Mary's Hospital; this would include the A\&E department, the general and infectious disease wards and the paediatric intensive care unit.~Children needing blood tests for any clinical reason Children who, in the clinical judgement of the doctor assessing them, have presented because of a condition consistent with an infectious, inflammatory or allergic process
children who do not have an infectious, inflammatory or allergic condition, who anyway require blood tests for clinical reasons
Collaborators: University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Leads: Imperial College London

This content was sourced from clinicaltrials.gov