Paromomycin Topical Cream Treatment Protocol for Individuals With Uncomplicated Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

Status: No_longer_available
Location: See all (2) locations...
Intervention Type: Drug
Study Type: Expanded_access

This is an expanded access treatment protocol designed to provide a topical cream treatment option to military health care beneficiaries with parasitologically confirmed uncomplicated Cutaneous Leishmaniasis.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All

• Male or female military health care beneficiary of any age.

• Diagnosis of uncomplicated CL by having at least one lesion parasitologically confirmed by at least one of the following methods: 1) positive culture for promastigotes; 2) microscopic identification of amastigotes in stained lesion tissue; and/or 3) PCR assay performed either at the LDL, WRAIR or the Clinical Parasitology Service, CDC.

• Ability to comprehend and willingness to sign informed consent or give assent

• CL lesions in a location amenable to topical treatment

• Patient is willing to forgo other treatments for CL while on treatment program

• Females of childbearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test within 1 day of starting treatment and agree to use an acceptable method of birth control from start of treatment until 2 weeks after completing treatment

United States
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Military Treatment Facilities
Multiple Locations
Related Therapeutic Areas
Leads: U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command

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