A Phase 1/2 Study of the Oral TRK Inhibitor Larotrectinib in Pediatric Patients With Advanced Solid or Primary Central Nervous System Tumors
The study is being done to test the safety of a cancer drug called larotrectinib in children. The cancer must have a change in a particular gene (NTRK1, NTRK2 or NTRK3). Larotrectinib blocks the actions of these NTRK genes in cancer cells and can therefore be used to treat cancer. The first study part (Phase 1) is done to determine what dose level of larotrectinib is safe for children, how the drug is absorbed and changed by their bodies and how well the cancer responds to the drug. The main purpose of the second study part (Phase 2) is to investigate how well and how long different cancer types respond to the treatment with larotrectininb.
• Phase 1 (Closed):
‣ Dose escalation: Birth through 21 years of age at C1D1 with a locally advanced or metastatic solid tumor or primary CNS tumor that has relapsed, progressed or was nonresponsive to available therapies and for which no standard or available systemic curative therapy exists; OR Infants from birth and older with a diagnosis of malignancy and with a documented NTRK fusion that has progressed or was nonresponsive to available therapies, and for which no standard or available curative therapy exists; OR Patients with locally advanced infantile fibrosarcoma who would require, in the opinion of the investigator, disfiguring surgery or limb amputation to achieve a complete surgical resection. Phase I dose escalation cohorts are closed to enrollment.
⁃ Dose expansion: In addition to the above stated inclusion criteria, patients must have a malignancy with a documented NTRK gene fusion with the exception of patients with infantile fibrosarcoma, congenital mesoblastic nephroma or secretory breast cancer. Patients with infantile fibrosarcoma, congenital mesoblastic nephroma or secretory breast cancer may enroll into this cohort with documentation of an ETV6 rearrangement by FISH or RT-PCR or a documented NTRK fusion by next generation sequencing.
• Phase 2:
⁃ - Infants from birth and older at C1D1 with a locally advanced or metastatic infantile fibrosarcoma, patients with locally advanced infantile fibrosarcoma who would require, in the opinion of the investigator, disfiguring surgery or limb amputation to achieve a complete surgical resection; OR Birth through 21 years of age at C1D1 with a locally advanced or metastatic solid tumor or primary CNS tumor that has relapsed, progressed or was nonresponsive to available therapies and for which no standard or available systemic curative therapy exists with a documented NTRK gene fusion (or in the case of infantile fibrosarcoma, congenital mesoblastic nephroma or secretory breast cancer with documented ETV6 rearrangement (or NTRK3 rearrangement after discussion with the sponsor) by FISH or RT-PCR. Patients with NTRK-fusion positive benign tumors are also eligible; OR Potential patients older than 21 years of age with a tumor diagnosis with histology typical of a pediatric patient and an NTRK fusion may be considered for enrollment following discussion between the local site Investigator and the Sponsor.
• Patients with primary CNS tumors or cerebral metastasis
• Karnofsky (those 16 years and older) or Lansky (those younger than 16 years) performance score of at least 50.
• Adequate hematologic function
• Adequate hepatic and renal function