DEFINE PCI: Physiologic Assessment of Coronary Stenosis Following PCI
This is a pilot study designed to assess the relationship between iFR (instantaneous wave-free ratio) pullback and the distribution of coronary atheroma/stenoses as assessed by Quantitative Coronary Angiography (QCA) post angiographically successful PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention).
• Subject must be \> 18 years old
• Subjects presenting with stable angina, silent ischemia or non-ST-elevation ACS (acute coronary syndrome) (unstable angina or biomarker positive)
• Single vessel CAD with at least 2 separate lesions (≥10 mm apart) of ≥40% stenosis or a single long lesion of ≥20mm OR multi-vessel CAD, defined as at least 2 vessels with ≥40% stenosis
• Pre-PCI iFR performed in all vessels intended for PCI
• Pre-PCI iFR of \<0.90 of at least 1 stenosis
• Subjects are able and willing to comply with scheduled visits and tests and to provide informed consent.