Parents and Children Together Preventing Diabetes

Status: Completed
Location: See location...
Intervention Type: Behavioral
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Not Applicable

In response to the growing threat of obesity on the health of American children, specifically African American children, the investigators propose to develop a program to educate and motivate African American families to improve health behavior for obesity reduction and diabetes prevention. This project will be unique in its partnership with local YMCAs and its use of Family Health Coaches from the YMCAs who will work one-on-one with participating families. The investigators feel this program will benefit all members of the families who are enrolled and will encourage all members to participate though the study will target one parent and one child who is 8 to 10 years old.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 8
Healthy Volunteers: t

• Body Mass index (One overweight/obese parent (25 kg/m2 \<BMI\<40 kg/m2 and one overweight/obese child (at or above the 85th% of age-and gender- specific BMI)

• Parental HbA1c levels (pre-diabetes = 5.7 - 6.4%)

• Parent and their child age 8-10

United States
North Carolina
Wake Forest Baptist Health
Time Frame
Start Date: 2013-03
Completion Date: 2015-04-16
Target number of participants: 33
Active_comparator: Standard Family-Based intervention
Families randomized to the Standard Family-based Intervention will receive three-month family YMCA memberships, one orientation training session, access to available equipment and programming at the YMCA, and receive diabetes educational materials from the Power to Prevent curriculum via email. Based on our previous experience with AA adults, the investigators anticipate that all families will have access to email either at home or at work. Educational materials will be mailed to families without access to email. The study will also maintain contact with participants by sending holiday and birthday cards, as well as postcard reminders of scheduled data collection visits.
Experimental: Lifestyle Intervention
The lifestyle intervention for adults will involve a dietary weight loss program and an increase in caloric expenditure through moderate PA. Parents will be encouraged to decrease caloric intake in a sound manner to produce a total weight loss of 5%. The PA component will be to promote an increase in family home-based activity.~Children. The study will promote healthy eating behaviors, rather than restrictive eating plans with caloric restrictions.
Bettina M Beech, Joseph Skelton
Collaborators: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Leads: Wake Forest University Health Sciences

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