The Effect of Physical Activity Promotion on Short and Long-term Outcomes in COPD
COPD currently afflicts 24 million US residents; the prevalence of COPD is high among Veterans. Persons with COPD have significant functional disability as a result of the disease. This project will determine whether a novel Internet-mediated walking program coupled with a pedometer can improve exercise capacity, improve health-related quality of life, and decrease the risk of acute exacerbations in persons with COPD. If successful, based on estimates that 33 to 64% of COPD patients are Internet users, the proposed exercise intervention could help over 8 million persons. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has a strong commitment to providing care to persons with COPD and supporting research directed at COPD-related disability. The 2012-2016 Strategic Plan of the VHA Office of Research and Development includes research in COPD rehabilitation. The proposed research addresses Rehabilitation R\&D Service's current priority area of improving disabled Veterans' health-related quality of life by reducing disease burden and maximizing functional recovery.
• Male and female subjects, greater than or equal to 40 years of age
• Clinical diagnosis of COPD defined as either a ratio of FEV1 to forced vital capacity \< 0.70 or chest CT evidence of emphysema. CT obtained as part of routine clinical care, independent of research study.
• Medical clearance from healthcare provider to participate in an exercise program
• Have an active email account and can check email at least weekly
• Have access to a computer with Internet connection or willing to come to VABoston or Birmingham VA Medical Center to use study computers
• Pedometer with \>90% accuracy compared to manual counts on short clinic walk
• Competent to provide informed consent
• Willingness to make return visits and be available by telephone for duration of study