Severe Asthma Research Program
The mission of the SARP is to improve the understanding of severe asthma through integrated study of its clinical and biological features and to evaluate their changes over time. The ultimate goal of these efforts is to promote better treatments for severe asthma.
• Physician diagnosis of asthma,
• Age 6 years and older
• Evidence of historical reversibility, including either:
‣ FEV1 bronchodilator reversibility ≥ 12%, or
⁃ Airway hyperresponsiveness reflected by a methacholine PC20 ≤16 mg/mL.
• History of chronic diseases that affect the lungs,
• A history suggestive of allergic rhinitis, eczema or chronic sinusitis,
• An improvement in FEV1 of more than 12% following 4 puffs of albuterol,
• Smoking history \> 10 pack years if ≥30 years of age, or smoking history \> 5 pack years if \<30 years of age, or any smoking within the past year,
• Respiratory tract infection within the past 4 weeks,
• Pregnancy,
• History of premature birth (\<35 weeks).