A Phase 2, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Sotatercept (ACE-011) Versus Placebo When Added to Standard of Care for the Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)
Study A011-09 is designed to assesses the efficacy and safety of sotatercept (ACE-011) relative to placebo in adults with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Eligible participants will receive study treatment for 24 weeks during the placebo-controlled treatment period, and then will be eligible to enroll into a 30-month extension period during which all participants will receive sotatercept. All treated patients will also undergo a follow-up period after last study drug treatment.
• Age ≥18 years
• Documented diagnostic right heart catheterization (RHC) at any time prior to Screening confirming diagnosis of WHO diagnostic pulmonary hypertension Group I: PAH in any of the following subtypes:
• i. Idiopathic ii. Heritable PAH iii. Drug- or toxin-induced PAH iv. PAH associated with connective tissue disease v. PAH associated with simple, congenital systemic-to-pulmonary shunts at least 1 year following shunt repair
• Symptomatic pulmonary hypertension classified as WHO functional class II or III
• Screening RHC documenting a minimum PVR of ≥400 dyn·sec/cm5 (5 Wood units)
• Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) within 6 months prior to Screening as follows:
‣ Total lung capacity (TLC) \>70% predicted; or if between 60 to 70% predicted, or not possible to be determined, confirmatory high-resolution computed tomography (CT) indicating no more than mild interstitial lung disease (ILD), per investigator interpretation, or
⁃ Forced expiratory volume (first second) (FEV1)/ forced vital capacity (FVC) \>70% predicted
• Ventilation-perfusion (VQ) scan (or, if unavailable a negative CT pulmonary angiogram \[CTPA\] result, or pulmonary angiography result), any time prior to Screening Visit or conducted during the Screening Period, with normal or low probability result),
• No contraindication per investigator for RHC during the study
• 6MWD ≥150 and ≤550 meters repeated twice at Screening and both values within 15% of each other, calculated from the highest value
• PAH therapy at stable (per investigator) dose levels of SOC therapies