A Randomized, Phase III Study Comparing Conventional Dose Treatment Using a Combination of Lenalidomide, Bortezomib, and Dexamethasone (RVD) to High-Dose Treatment With Peripheral Stem Cell Transplant in the Initial Management of Myeloma in Patients Up to 65 Years of Age
In this research study, we are looking to explore the drug combination, lenalidomide, bortezomib and dexamethasone alone or when combined with autologous stem cell transplantation to see what side effects it may have and how well it works for treatment of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Specifically, the objective of this trial is to determine if, in the era of novel drugs, high dose therapy (HDT) is still necessary in the initial management of multiple myeloma in younger patients. In this study, HDT as compared to conventional dose treatment would be considered superior if it significantly prolongs progression-free survival by at least 9 months or more, recognizing that particular subgroups may benefit more compared to others.
• Diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma, according to the International Myeloma Foundation 2003 Diagnostic Criteria
• Documented symptomatic myeloma, with organ damage related to myeloma with laboratory assessments performed within 21 days of registration
• Myeloma that is measurable by either serum or urine evaluation of the monoclonal component or by assay of serum free light chains.
• ECOG performance status \</= 2
• Negative HIV blood test
• Voluntary written informed consent