Impact of Duration Of Absolute Voice Rest on Voice Outcome After Phonomicrosurgery

Status: Terminated
Location: See location...
Intervention Type: Behavioral
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Not Applicable

Absolute voice rest is commonly prescribed after vocal fold surgery, also known as phonomicrosurgery, for benign vocal fold lesions. This is thought to decrease scarring of vocal folds, which could result in increasing tissue stiffness and limitations in optimal vocal outcome. Unfortunately there is no standardized protocol as to how long patients should rest their voice after phonomicrosurgery. To date, there are no studies in the literature directly comparing the impact of short-term and long-term voice rest on vocal fold healing and voice outcome after phonomicrosurgery.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 18
Healthy Volunteers: f

• Patients with benign mid membranous vocal fold lesions such as the following:

‣ Polyps

⁃ Cysts

⁃ Sub-epithelial fibrous mass

• Undergoing elective phonomicrosurgery for vocal fold lesions, which involves microflap excision +/- truncation +/- steroid injection into the vocal folds.

• Age 18 and older

United States
University of Pittsburgh
Time Frame
Start Date: 2016-01
Completion Date: 2020-01-31
Target number of participants: 17
Experimental: 3 day absolute voice rest
participants would begin initiation of voice/speaking 3 days post phonomicrosurgery for benign vocal fold lesions
Experimental: 7 day absolute voice rest
participants would begin initiation of voice/speaking 7 days post phonomicrosurgery for benign vocal fold lesions
Leads: University of Pittsburgh

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