A Randomized Controlled Trial of Pravastatin to Prevent Preeclampsia in High Risk Women
This study is a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial of 1,550 high-risk women to assess whether daily treatment with pravastatin administered early in pregnancy reduces the rate of a composite outcome of preeclampsia, fetal loss and maternal death. Women with a prior history of preeclampsia with preterm delivery less than 34 weeks will be randomized to pravastatin or placebo daily until delivery. Women will have monthly study visits during pregnancy, a follow-up visit at 6 weeks postpartum and children will have follow-up visits at 2 and 5 years of age.
• 16 years or older at time of consent with ability to give informed consent
• Single or twin gestation with cardiac activity in one or both fetuses. Higher order multifetal gestations reduced to twins, either spontaneously or therapeutically, are not eligible unless the reduction occurred by 13 weeks 6 days project gestational age.
• Gestational age at randomization between 12 weeks 0 days and 16 weeks 6 days based on clinical information and evaluation of the earliest ultrasound.
• Documented history (by chart or delivery/operative note review) of prior preeclampsia with delivery less than or equal to 34 weeks 0 days gestation in any previous pregnancy. If in the index pregnancy, the woman was induced by 34 weeks 0 days gestation and delivered within 48 hours in the same hospitalization, that woman would be eligible.
• Normal serum transaminase (AST/ALT) concentrations documented in the last 6 months.