Pedometer use in university freshmen: a randomized controlled pilot study.
Journal: American Journal Of Health Behavior
Objective: To describe activity patterns associated with a pedometer intervention in university freshmen and compare the intervention participants to controls for several health outcomes.
Methods: Forty-six university freshmen were randomized to a group that wore a pedometer across the academic year with a goal of 10,000 steps/day or to a control group.
Results: Pedometer counts were highest initially but decreased over the academic year. December presented the fewest counts. There was little difference between groups in fitness or body composition.
Conclusions: Consideration of high-risk months and recommended steps/day may be important to effectively use pedometers to influence some health outcomes in university freshmen.
James Lecheminant, John Smith, N Covington, Tracie Hardin Renschen, Tim Heden