Life-threatening hyperkalemia from cream of tartar ingestion.

Journal: Journal Of Medical Toxicology : Official Journal Of The American College Of Medical Toxicology

Background: Cream of tartar (potassium bitartrate) has a long history as a cooking aid and medicinal purgative. Despite containing large amounts of potassium, there are no well-documented cases of it causing toxicity. We report two cases in which intentional ingestions of cream of tartar resulted in life-threatening hyperkalemia. In addition, we briefly review the use of cream of tartar as a historical purgative.

Methods: In both cases, individuals ingested a large quantity of cream of tartar in an effort to "clean themselves out". They manifested similar initial symptoms (vomiting), abnormal serum potassium (>8.0 mmol/L), and EKG's with peaked T waves. Both patients were treated for hyperkalemia and recovered without complication. A search for articles on an academic internet database failed to identify any cases specifically dealing with ill effects of potassium bitartrate and numerous websites continue to purport its beneficial health effects.

Conclusions: Ingestion of cream of tartar can potentially result in life-threatening hyperkalemia.

Daniel Rusyniak, Pamela Durant, James Mowry, Jo Johnson, Jayne Sanftleben, Joanne Smith
Relevant Conditions

High Potassium Level