Correlation between quantitative whole-body muscle magnetic resonance imaging and clinical muscle weakness in Pompe disease.
Background: Previous examination of whole-body muscle involvement in Pompe disease has been limited to physical examination and/or qualitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this study we assess the feasibility of quantitative proton-density fat-fraction (PDFF) whole-body MRI in late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD) and compare the results with manual muscle testing.
Methods: Seven LOPD patients and 11 disease-free controls underwent whole-body PDFF MRI. Quantitative MR muscle group assessments were compared with physical testing of muscle groups.
Results: The 95% upper limits of confidence intervals for muscle groups were 4.9-12.6% in controls and 6.8-76.4% in LOPD patients. LOPD patients showed severe and consistent tongue and axial muscle group involvement, with less marked involvement of peripheral musculature. MRI was more sensitive than physical examination for detection of abnormality in multiple muscle groups.
Conclusions: This integrated, quantitative approach to muscle assessment provides more detailed data than physical examination and may have clinical utility for monitoring disease progression and treatment response.