MUSIC: patterns of care in the radiographic staging of men with newly diagnosed low risk prostate cancer.
Objective: MUSIC is a statewide consortium of 42 urology practices that aims to improve the quality of prostate cancer care in Michigan. As an initial priority, we examined patterns of care in the radiographic staging of men with newly diagnosed prostate cancer. We determined whether collaborative-wide data review and performance feedback would decrease the imaging rate in men with low risk prostate cancer.
Methods: Practices submitted standardized data, including the use and results of staging computerized tomography and bone scan, to a web based clinical registry of all men with newly diagnosed prostate cancer. We identified all patients with low risk prostate cancer and compared imaging use patterns before and after practice level performance feedback and guideline review, which were provided at collaborative-wide meetings.
Results: In MUSIC 813 patients were newly diagnosed with low risk prostate cancer during the 19-month study period. Of 410 patients diagnosed in the prefeedback period (phase I) 15 (3.7%) and 21 (5.2%) underwent bone scan and computerized tomography, respectively. Of 403 patients diagnosed after feedback (phase II) radiographic staging was done in 5 men (1.3%) with bone scan and in 13 (3.2%) with computerized tomography (p = 0.03 and 0.17, respectively).
Conclusions: The overall rate of radiographic staging in men with newly diagnosed low risk prostate cancer was appropriately low. The imaging rate decreased even further after collaborative education and performance feedback. MUSIC appears to be a successful tool for quality improvement, affecting practice patterns and increasing efficiency of care.