Differential patterns of PAX8, p16, and ER immunostains in mesonephric lesions and adenocarcinomas of the cervix.

Journal: International Journal Of Gynecological Pathology : Official Journal Of The International Society Of Gynecological Pathologists

Mesonephric remnants, usually located deep in the lateral cervical wall, may become hyperplastic resulting in a florid proliferation. These can be misinterpreted as malignant and confused with endocervical adenocarcinomas. Recent data have shown that PAX2 is diffusely expressed in mesonephric remnants and hyperplasias. PAX8 is a related transcription protein that is expressed in tissues of müllerian and wolffian origin. In this study, we have investigated the utility of an immunohistochemical panel comprising of PAX8, estrogen receptor (ER), and p16 in the differential diagnosis between mesonephric proliferations and cervical adenocarcinomas. A database search was conducted for cases of mesonephric remnants/hyperplasia/carcinoma of cervix and invasive cervical adenocarcinomas. Immunohistochemical stains for PAX8, ER, and p16 were performed using the avidin-biotin peroxidase technique on the most representative tissue. The search yielded 28 cases of mesonephric proliferations of cervix (15 mesonephric remnants, 12 mesonephric hyperplasias, and 1 mesonephric adenocarcinoma) and 16 cases of cervical adenocarcinomas (15 usual type and 1 adenoma malignum). Immunohistochemically, all the mesonephric proliferations, regardless of being benign or malignant, displayed a consistent staining pattern-diffusely and strongly positive for PAX8, negative for ER, and patchy cytoplasmic staining for p16. The usual type cervical adenocarcinomas exhibited a variable staining pattern with PAX8 and ER but all were strongly and diffusely positive for p16. The case of adenoma malignum was PAX8 positive, ER negative, and showed weak and patchy staining with p16. Our study suggests that a panel of immunohistochemical stains composed of PAX8, p16, and ER is useful in the distinction between mesonephric proliferations and cervical adenocarcinomas.

Abha Goyal, Bin Yang
Relevant Conditions

Cervical Cancer