Current Orthopaedic Surgeon Practices for Nonarthroplasty Treatment of Osteoarthritis of Adult Hip and Knee.
Evidence-based guidelines have recently been published for the nonarthroplasty treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee and are becoming an expected part of comprehensive patient care. To understand how current treatment practices correlate with these guidelines, a survey was administered to 50 consecutive hip replacement and 50 consecutive knee replacement patients immediately before arthroplasty for osteoarthritis in one group practice. This article is a compilation of patients' usage of the modalities suggested in two such exemplary guidelines and demonstrates that patient and surgeon preferences, as well as factors such as preoperative Oxford score, body mass index, age, and joint involved, affect usage of one or more of the commonly employed preoperative modalities. This information provides orthopaedic surgeons and administrators with a compilation of responses that reflects surgeon and patient preferences for treatment before surgery.