Seroma Rates Are Not Increased When Combining Liposuction With Progressive Tension Suture Abdominoplasty: A Retrospective Cohort Study of 619 Patients.
Background: Several studies have demonstrated that progressive tension sutures (PTS) reduce seroma. Many fear that adding liposuction to abdominoplasty will increase seroma rates and avoid drainless abdominoplasty when performing concomitant liposuction.
Objective: We sought to identify whether liposuction increases seroma in PTS and non-PTS abdominoplasty.
Methods: In this retrospective study, 619 patients underwent abdominoplasty between 2009 and 2017, of which 299 patients had drainless abdominoplasty with PTS and 320 had drain-based abdominoplasty. We compared complications among PTS patients with and without liposuction and among drain-based abdominoplasty patients with and without liposuction.
Results: Demographics were similar between PTS and drain patients and between liposuction and nonliposuction PTS. Mean liposuction volume with PTS was 1592 ± 1048 mL. Seroma in the PTS group was found to be 2.6%, which is consistent with previous data. PTS without liposuction had a rate of seroma of 6.67% compared to a rate of 2.2% with liposuction; these rates were not significantly different (P = 0.20). A total of 207 patients had drain-based abdominoplasty with liposuction, and 113 had it without liposuction. Seroma with liposuction was 9.17% and without liposuction was 6.19%, although these differences were not significant (P = 0.52). PTS lipoabdominoplasty had less seroma compared with drain-based lipoabdominoplasty (P = 0.01).
Conclusions: Liposuction was performed in 80% of the patients, and patients with lipoabdominoplasty were not at a higher risk of seroma, in the drain group or the PTS group. More patients may allow validation that liposuction may actually be protective with PTS. Regardless, there is no increase in seroma with the addition of liposuction to PTS drainless abdominoplasty. Methods: null