The Importance of Second-Generation Antipsychotic-Related Weight Gain and Adherence Barriers in Youth with Bipolar Disorders: Patient, Parent, and Provider Perspectives.

Journal: Journal Of Child And Adolescent Psychopharmacology

Objectives: The objective of this research was to understand physician, patient, and parent perspectives on barriers to second-generation antipsychotic (SGA) medication adherence in youth with bipolar spectrum disorders, and attitudes toward treatment of SGA-related weight gain.

Methods: Patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder before age 18, parents of children diagnosed before 18, and clinicians with experience prescribing SGAs for these patients completed surveys regarding SGA-related side effects, adherence barriers, and acceptability of weight management strategies.

Results: Patients (n = 225), parents (n = 128), and clinicians (n = 54) reported weight gain as the most concerning SGA-related side effect (45.6%, 38.9%, and 70.4%, respectively). Weight gain was also the top adherence barrier for patients (35.9%), but was ranked fourth (41.8%) by parents. Patients (61.5%) were more likely "definitely" willing to co-initiate another medication to manage weight gain upon SGA initiation than parents (20.1%) or clinicians (1.9%). Conversely, parents (54.9%) and clinicians (84.9%) were "definitely" willing to accept/prescribe a second medication aiming to reverse weight gain of ≥10 lbs., and patients (61.1%) were willing to add another medication to reverse any weight gain.

Conclusion: SGA-related weight gain impairs medication adherence in young patients with bipolar disorder. Many young patients would start pharmacologic treatment to mitigate SGA-related weight gain at treatment initiation, parents and clinicians are more hesitant. This research informs patient-centered perspectives on SGA adherence barriers and strategies to minimize potential side effects, which may improve adherence in this vulnerable patient population.

Christina Klein, Alique Topalian, Brian Starr, Jeffrey Welge, Thomas Blom, Cindy Starr, Ingrid Deetz, Heather Turner, Jessica Sage, Jenna Utecht, Victor Fornari, Luis Patino Duran, Claudine Higdon, John Sutton, Michael Sorter, Christoph Correll, Melissa Delbello
Relevant Conditions

Bipolar Disorder (BPD)