Improvement of Multiple Generations of Intraocular Lens Calculation Formulae with a Novel Approach Using Artificial Intelligence.

Journal: Translational Vision Science & Technology

Purpose: Cataract surgery is the most common eye surgery. Appropriate optimization of intraocular lens (IOL) calculation formulae can result in improved patient outcomes. The purpose of this article is to describe a methodology of optimizing existing IOL formulae and develop hybrid formulae based on artificial intelligence (AI).

Methods: Preoperative biometric and postoperative outcomes data were obtained from medical records at a single institution. A numeric computing environment was used to analyze these data and refine IOL formulae using supervised learning AI. The mean absolute error of each IOL formulae with and without AI enhancement was determined, as well as the number of eyes within 0.5 diopter of the predicted refraction.

Results: AI algorithms improved the mean absolute error as well as number of eyes within 0.5 diopters of predicted refraction for each of the formulae tested (P < 0.05).

Conclusions: A novel methodology is described that uses AI to improve existing IOL formulae. This methodology has the potential to improve clinical outcomes for cataract surgery patients. Translational relevance: Artificial intelligence can be used to improve existing IOL formulae.