Teaching Family Medicine Residents How to Identify and Address Social Determinants of Health.
Background: This educational program aimed to teach family medicine residents how to address social determinants of health. The literature reviewed suggested that curricula addressing social needs of patients were sporadic and failed to provide residents with practical ways to apply the knowledge. The program objectives were to provide residents with a thorough understanding of social determinants of health and to provide a practical experience where they could address social needs.
Methods: The program consisted of four didactic sessions in which the residents discussed why addressing social determinants of health is important, designed a screening tool, and were educated on how to assess and communicate with patients. As a longitudinal experience, the residents used the screening tool in their clinic and connected patients with resources. We performed a mixed-methods data analysis to determine if program goals were met.
Results: Survey data showed a statistically significant change in the comfort, understanding, and consistency of addressing social determinants of health. Reflections showed similar results. Residents recognized the importance of being aware of social needs, having conversations with patients about their needs, and considering cost when they implement treatment plans.
Conclusions: Family medicine residents are the future primary care providers for our communities. Therefore, it is important to equip them with the knowledge and ability to address all of the factors affecting their patients' health. Graduates will be able to apply this knowledge to their future patients, and educators can be assured family physicians have the skills to address social determinants of health.