Umbilical sparing robotic partial cystectomy for localized urachal adenocarcinoma: A case report.

Journal: Urology Case Reports

Urachal adenocarcinoma, the third most common histopathological type of non-urothelial bladder cancer, is often aggressive, presenting in advanced stages. Increased understanding of the embryologic origin of the tumor with concurrent advances in surgical technique have allowed partial cystectomy to become the gold standard of surgical treatment. However, the benefit of en bloc umbilectomy remains questionable. Here we present the diagnosis and management of 67- year old patient diagnosed with mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the urachus treated with umbilical-sparing robotic partial cystectomy. We also provide a review of the existing literature on this rare tumor and its management.

Jessica Connor, Yu Zheng, Austin Stark, Tim Smith, Robert Grubb
Relevant Conditions

Cystectomy, Bladder Cancer