Nitric Oxide Is the Cause of Nitroglycerin Tolerance: Providing an Old Dog New Tricks for Acute Heart Failure.
Our paper highlights the past 50 years of research focusing solely on tolerance involving nitroglycerin (glyceryl trinitrate, GTN). It also identifies and discusses inconsistencies in previous mechanistic explanations that have failed to provide a way to administer GTN continuously, free of limitations from tolerance and without the requirement of a nitrate-free interval. We illustrate, for the first time in 135 years, a mechanism whereby nitric oxide, the mediator of vasodilation by GTN, may also be the cause of tolerance. Based on targeting superoxide from mitochondrial complex I, uncoupled by glutathione depletion in response to nitric oxide from GTN, a novel unit dose GTN formulation in glutathione for use as a continuous i.v. infusion has been proposed. We hypothesize that this will reduce or eliminate tolerance seen currently with i.v. GTN. Finally, to evaluate the new formulation we suggest future studies of this new formulation for the treatment of acute decompensated heart failure.