A novel methylated cell-free DNA marker panel to monitor treatment response in metastatic prostate cancer.
Aim: This study examined circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) biomarkers associated with androgen treatment resistance in metastatic castration resistance prostate cancer (mCRPC). Materials &
Methods: We designed a panel of nine candidate cfDNA methylation markers using droplet digital PCR (Methyl-ddPCR) and assessed methylation levels in sequentially collected cfDNA samples from patients with mCRPC.
Results: Increased cfDNA methylation in eight out of nine markers during androgen-targeted treatment correlated with a faster time to clinical progression. Cox proportional hazards modeling and logistic regression analysis further confirmed that higher cfDNA methylation during treatment was significantly associated with clinical progression.
Conclusion: Overall, our findings have revealed a novel methylated cfDNA marker panel that could aid in the clinical management of metastatic prostate cancer.