Evaluation and Management of Adult Footdrop.

Journal: The Journal Of The American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Footdrop is a common musculoskeletal condition defined by weakness in ankle joint dorsiflexion. Although the etiology varies, footdrop is characterized by specific clinical and gait abnormalities used by the patient to overcome the loss of active ankle dorsiflexion. The condition is often associated with deformity because soft-tissue structures may become contracted if not addressed. Patients may require the use of special braces or need surgical treatment to address the notable level of physical dysfunction. Surgical treatment involving deformity correction to recreate a plantigrade foot along with tendon transfers has been used with notable success to restore a near-normal gait. However, limitations and postoperative dorsiflexion weakness have prompted investigation in nerve transfer as a possible alternative surgical treatment.

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