Sweet Syndrome Imitating Cutaneous Cryptococcal Disease.
Journal: Open Forum Infectious Diseases
Cryptococcoid Sweet syndrome is a rare histologic variant of the neutrophilic dermatosis presenting clinically with skin lesions typical of classical Sweet syndrome but with yeast-like structures suggestive of Cryptococcus on histopathology. Histochemical stains for fungus and cultures are negative whereas staining for myeloperoxidase is positive. We present 2 cases of cryptococcoid Sweet syndrome with atypical skin manifestations, including hemorrhagic bullae and plaques, and provide a brief review of the literature. Clinicians should be aware that this variant of Sweet syndrome can present with uncommon clinical findings and has histopathologic findings suggestive of Cryptococcus species.
Ariel Jordan, Daniel Graciaa, Srinivasa Gopalsamy, Stewart Neill, Douglas Parker, Laura Aspey, Jeffrey Collins
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